Some Red Words

Our Vision
Regarding Fees
In the modern world of marketing, motivation and measures – Think Red Ink Ministries stands apart. We are looking for that one or two that desire to serve Christ according to His instructions. We want you to be invested in this experience. The world says that happens when you give, join or pay money. We think joining, giving, paying has been used by the church, to give a false sense of accomplishment. There is real work to do. (No, we are not against giving alms, offerings or tithes; in fact the Scriptures mandate such of Christians). But, for us, requiring a fee for ministry violates the commandment of the Lord Jesus who instructs: “…freely ye have received, freely give…” [Matthiew 10:8].
This membership site is not entirely about education. We want to move from learning about God; to something even better: you having a communicative relationship with Him.